Shalon Wilson

Boatyard & Risk Management Specialist

Shalon grew up in Mishawaka, IN. Once she finished her degree at Indiana University South Bend, she immediately did what every midwesterner dreams of and moved to sunny Tampa, Florida.

Soon after settling in, she joined the team at her local Apple Store at International Plaza in Tampa. While working as a Specialist for Apple, she was introduced to AMIkids through a volunteer opportunity.

Since then, her career journey has led her to become a Business Manager at AMIkids Tampa. From there, she worked for the Vice President of Support Services at the AMIkids home office and now as a Boatyard & Risk Management Specialist.

Get involved

We accept yacht donations, refit, and then lease or sell them. Our donors benefit from a safe and convenient alternative to selling or trading their yachts and obtain a reasonable tax benefit. Our lessees benefit from competitively priced and recently improved inventory with interest-free lease terms.

All proceeds help empower young lives to discover their true potential.