SONNY, the man, the boat, the legacy.
The late Bert Phelps from New England followed in his father’s footsteps with his passion for sailing, owning multiple yachts through his 90 years on the water.
He first became aware of AMIkids in 1976 when he donated Sonny, his Whitby sailboat to what we callen Jacksonville Marine Institure, then our current AMIkids location at Beach Boulevard in Jacksonville, Florida.

Several yachts and forty years later, while having his custom 91’ Brooklin Boatworks completed, it was an easy transition for his current 2015 70’ Brooklin to go to AMIkids once launched. The latest Sonny was equipped with a wheelchair access from the aft cockpit to his stateroom.

Mr. Phelps’s health finally forced him to give up his passion for sailing when he turned 98, and in 2021, Bert’s custom 91’ Brooklin was again donated to AMIkids.

For me, it was essential to utilize an organization with an impeccable track record where donation proceeds directly reach a worthwhile mission—that’s why we continue to choose AMIkids.
Steve Warren,
President and General Counsel
Albert D. Phelps, Inc.